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Keramik brush

Reference: 15-800 - OdontoMega
Brushes & Trays

pinceis keramik

Brush with differentiated hair type, combining the advantages of synthetic and natural hair. The hair is very long inside the brush, which guarantees the ideal durability and elasticity.

The Keramik line is handmade by German artisans who specialize in brush making.


-An always perfect tip due to the elasticity of the synthetic fur
Great absorption of water keeping moisture, a characteristic of natural hair
-Enough elasticity to be able to pick up large amount of ceramic
-Extremely thin tips to better shape and define brush tip
-The tip can be shaped like a spatula, easily returning to the initial tip shape

Handmade in Germany

No. 00 - 15-832
No. 3/0 - 15-830
No. 2 - 15-802
No. 4 - 15-804
No. 6 - 15-806
No. 8 - 15-808


Pinceis Keramik